Hello everyone my name is Lul Aden, i would like to share the wonderful experience i am having so far at the OSU university i am really learning a lot and getting used to the diversity of all the different cultures here. this poem that i recently wrote was my first poem to ever write and it was a bit had i will admit but once i just sat back and listen to my heart i decided to write about what i experienced back in my homeland.Of course this wasn't easy to write but with the help of my flash backs i did it. i really enjoyed writing my poem i wanted to keep writing for ever. Mr.Mike lore thank you for this wonderful opportunity it really helped me reconnect with my inside and be thankful of where i am and where I'm from. well that is it about me hope you guys enjoy this beautiful weather its already early spring have a good one everyone.
The land of freedom
The Land of Freedom
Green long wet grass on my feet
Getting anxious and excited by every step I take
Gaining flashbacks to all the unwanted memories
Getting anxious and excited by every step I take
Gaining flashbacks to all the unwanted memories
Growing closer to my dreamland in Africa
The land of freedom:
Getting the feeling of peace as I step on to a cold rock
Standing up straight and strong as a big beautiful green tree.
Getting ready for a new life as I spread my arms and spin around
Getting closer to my dreamland, Mogadishu
I close my eyes laying on the long wet grass
I close my eyes and see my future
Getting closer to my dreamland
Getting ready for a new life as I spread my arms and spin around
Getting closer to my dreamland, Mogadishu
I close my eyes laying on the long wet grass
I close my eyes and see my future
Getting closer to my dreamland
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