Just like the nomads who herd camels crossing border lines in search for grazing land and water wells for their prized camels that they depend on, I too traveled just like them but in search of a refuge from a civil war. My search took me to different countries in search of a better life and it finally landed me here the land of the Americans. In this land I was able to put my mind at ease knowing all my worries were behind me and the possibilities seemed endless. I was able to start school at grade level 8 up till I graduated from high school and now attending college. In this land the race of the people is mixture from all walks of life and somehow coexist with each other without any problems. Unlike other parts of the world I have been to where you are singled out because of your race or color of your skin. In the land of America what I couldn’t seem to adapt to is the cold weather and the snow. Other than my dislike of the weather, I can honestly say it’s the one place that shaped my life on positive way that would have an effect on me. It provided me with the necessary skills needed to survive on 21st century life style. With the education provided to me I am able to compete in the job market knowing am equally educated like those seeking the same position as I am.
I really like your paper. You took a different approach to it and it was really creative. I like how you talked about your travels to other places and you ended up in America. You can fine in into one point of the [paper and expand it because you have a lot of broad topics that you can make specific really easy. The picture also fits in really well with everything. Its really creative, I like it.
Nice job. Try adding some more detail but overall great.
I agree with Olivia and Oleg. you just need more details. overall you did a great job man.
hey Mohamud i really enjoyed reading your story. you just need more detail of the place you have been. overall nice writing.
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