Monday, February 28, 2011
Emily Dickinson
Death, it’s an ultimate experience for Emily. It can be reveal ultimate truth and reality. Because I could Not Stop for Death reveal Emily‘s calm acceptance of death. She didn’t fear dead, her view of death may reflect her personality or belief.
Frances Ellen Watkins

Frances Ellen Watkins
Frances Ellen Watkins was born to free parents in Baltimore, Maryland. After her mother died when she was three years old in 1828, Watkins was orphaned. She was raised by her aunt and uncle. She was educated at the Academy for Negro Youth, a school run by her uncle Rev. William Watkins, who was a civil rights activist. He was a major influence on her life and work. At fourteen, she found work as a seamstress.
Blessed Hope
Oh! crush it not, that hope so blest,
Which cheers the fainting heart,
And points it to the coming rest,
Where sorrow has no part.
Tear from my heart each worldly prop,
Unbind each earthly string,
But to this blest and glorious hope,
Oh! let my spirit cling.
It cheer'd amid the days of old,
Each holy patriarch's breast;
It was an anchor to their souls,
Upon it let me rest.
When wandering in dens and caves,
In sheep and goat skins dress'd,
A peel'd and scatter'd people learned
To know this hope was blest.
Help me, amid this world of strife,
To long for Christ to reign,
That when He brings the crown of life,
I may that crown obtain.
Written by Frances E.W. Harper
Emily Dickinson

Emily Dickinson
Emily Dickinson is one of America’s finest 19th century poets. Emily Dickinson’s full name is Emily Elizabeth Dickinson. She is an American poet and she born in Amherst, Massachusetts on December 10, 1830. Her family is not wealthy. She attended Mount Holyoke Female Seminary in South Hadley, but severe homesickness led her to return home after one year. Throughout her life, she seldom left her house and visitors were scarce.
She wrote poetry for most of her adult life. Her poems are most about love, death and her relationship with God and nature. She was not famous in her lifetime. She wrote over 1,700 poems in her lifetime. Her only problem was she published her poems during her lifetime. Her sister Lavinia actively promoted her work after Dickinson’s death in 1866, and then she get famous. The best- known poems of her poems are “Because I could not stop for Death” and “I cannot live with you”.

(May 31, 1819 – March 26, 1892) was an American poet, essayist and journalist. A humanist, he was a part of the transition between.
Born on Long Island, Whitman worked as a journalist, a teacher, a government clerk, and–in addition to publishing his poetry–was a volunteer nurse during the American Civil War.
And he is the most famous American poetry and I like his poems because I think his poems talks about something important.
And also he was a great poetry in American history.
This poem was fun to read I think this poem was really great because this people are working and singing as same time.

One of my favorite poet that Langston hughes.and this related in the morning because people can have a bed morning and I thing that the reason why people writ in poetry because of that they went prove their idea and share other people. And this the one that my favorite
‘’Here I sit
with my shoes mismated.
I's frustrated!
Stephen Crane

Emma Lazarus

here is what part i like the poem From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; She is welcomen every one in Amercan no mather where you from.
Walt Whitman!

In 1892, Walt Whitman dieds of miliary tuberculosis. On September 30, 1864, Whitman's brother George was captured by Confederates in Virginia, and another brother, Andrew Jackson, died of tuberculosis compounded by alcoholism on December 3 of that year. Whitman's sexuality is often discussed alongside his poetry. He is usually described as either homosexual or bisexual in his feelings and attractions. Also, whitman opposed the extension of slavery in the United States.
I Sit and Look out is telling us of what is happening in and around the world. The wars, natural disasters, and racisms.
walt whitman
Frances W. Harper

Emily Dickinson

Im nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there's a pair of us-don't tell!
They'd banish us, you know.
How dreary to be somebody!
How public, like a frog
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!
This poem resembles her life style. By the 1860s, she was in total physical isolation from the outside world. For at least thirty years she was isolated.
This means in her poem above, She was a nobody and she does not like being know by the public.
Emily Dickinson

Her poetry reflects on her loneliness. The speakers of her poems usually live in a state of want. When she died, Dickinson's family discovered 40 handbound volumes of nearly 1800 of her poems. I think that her poem "Because I could not stop for Death" states that death is unavoidable. She does not state that death is a bad thing. It seems slowly and slowly she is moving towards death.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
My hobby

My favorite hobby is playing and watching soccer. Manchester United is my favorite team. I was playing soccer since I was 6 years old. I always try to play soccer whenever I get time. Soccer is like my best friend. I enjoy every minute of it. My father inspired me the most playing soccer. He was a soccer player when he was young. I remember when he used to take me his games when I was little boy. He always told me that soccer is a healthy and fun sport. My dad says “Soccer will never walk you alone”.
When I am playing soccer I feel happy and unstoppable. "I can run like a horse and mingle with the stars". That is the reason that make me easy to play better and faster. I play with team Elman. Sometimes we go out of states to challenge with other teams. I like to win every game, even if it is friendly games. I take it serious. This hobby means everything to me. I have been playing all my life. Soccer is something that I want pass through my kids.
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Muhubo Suleiman
Mike lohre
English 109.02
My hobby is to cock spaghetti and when I’m doing I felt like enjoying and happy. The people that teach me were my mother who knew so many ways in spaghetti. When I was learning I was thirteen and it was so head to me. But in my culture when a girl reaches thirteen she has to know how to cock and do everything about the house. The being learning it was so head to me I felt like I was in heavy, but later on I love it and enjoying. When I’m cocking even when my mother asks me cock a food I will cock the spaghetti time I cock it was spaghetti.
In these day I love to cock spaghetti and every time I cocking it remind me my mother who teach this spaghetti and it come remind of my mother who is not here and its something I will not forget about it. In the early young age I use love is in a chef so that it will be easy for me to cock. And bee a good cocker. But that time wasn’t able to learn because I did not have a school and it was difficult to not having school and what you went. In that place you don’t have a chooses.
When I come to America my dream was to go school and learn more things about the food and become a chef when high school, which helps me with a lot and my major, was being a chef.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Fairness of NPR

As a hobby I like to listen to NPR News on the radio as they air programs that I really enjoy. On any given day and time that I happen to be in my car I tune to none other than NPR radio station. By doing so, I get the benefit of knowing the domestic issues that we face and as well as current world issues.
I get my inspiration and admiration for NPR from my uncle who used to pick me up from school. It was a great conversation starter and, gave us something to talk about on the way back home. I did not have any relationship with my uncle prier to meeting him in 2005 and, NPR radio station was the ice breaker that helped us get through the awkward silence that brought tension in to the atmosphere.
Compared to other news organizations that report on current issues around the world NPR is by far more accurate and partial. They are the George Washington of the media who coined the phrase “I cannot tell a lie” as a young boy. They are not biased like their counterparts who have hidden agendas and are politically driven. Case in point CNBC and FOX NEWS are great examples of politically motivated organizations that tend to lean favorably on one party over others.

My hobby is soccer. I love soccer as monkey loves bananas. soccer is the world number one sport and it can be played any where even the young Somali boy with his camel can play it without needing a lot of skills and rules to play. Its easy to learn how to play soccer. All you need is just a soccer ball or made one by yourself and play it with a partner or with a team.
Soccer is also a very important athletic for individuals who are trying to be fit. It requires speed, quickness running and it’s a great exercise. It can help to lose wait. It’s the game of hungry taggers. When I am playing this sport I fell like I am getting a kiss from my girl friend someone who is elected to be a leader, that is how excited I am.
My friends inspired me to start this hobby because they wanted me to share the great enjoyments they had when the play this sport. At that time I was a mama boy and all I new was to eat sleep and listen to a stories that my mom use to share with me. I didn’t new what was it like to be a athletic or a soccer player. It took me a time to adopt with ti but later on I became one of the best players in my team. I got a lot of advantages of this sport. It builds my body and grows muscles. Above all, this sport keeps me away from getting boring and depressed. I just enjoy when I am playing this sport its feelings and its hard to describe it in words but the end of the story is that soccer is the best sport I’ve ever played and there is not any other sport that can be compare with soccer. Is a game of dignity and joyful as well.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Watching Movies!

Most of my day consists of studies, doing house choirs and going to school. With all that, all my time is usually taken up. When i do get some free time like to watch horror movies. Watching Movies is one of my favorite hobbies. No one really inspired me to watch movies. Going to the movies helps me to relax and have fun. When I am bored, it always seems like a good idea to just head out with friends and go watch a movie. I do rarely have time in my schedule to get bored, but it does happen once in a blue moon. I enjoy going to the movies and it puts me in a better mood. To laugh, get scared, or even cry over something that does not have anything to do with my own personal life is a good feeling. For example, the movie Mirrors was an awesome movie about spirits being trapped in mirrors. I was scared during the movie, but I knew once it was over, that was not something I had to be scared of in real life. My Family/friends sometimes like to get together and make it a group thing to go out and all see a movie. Usually when this happens, we do not know what we are going to watch until we get there. This hobby allows you to go out and have fun with your loved ones.
My Favorite Hobby

Usually during the summer, I go to a place called Innis School where a lot of Somali's play soccer. I would come around six pm and be one of the few to show up early. As time rolls by, more and more people would show up. At least 100 people would show up; it is as if lions would come to feast of many animals. The field would be broken up into three sections. Everybody would play their hearts out for at least four hours.
Soccer is all around sport for everyone. It impacts everybody in the Somali Community. Old men and women and children, who can not play with these young men, would come and watch this gathering of great players put on a show for people. soccer is my favorite hobby and it can unite people.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Two of the Best Hobbies

Although it is not me, it is something that I have done
Hobbies are a wonderful thing. I have a lot of hobbies that I like equally. It is really hard for me to choose between them all. But mostly I want to talk about my hobbies of sports and music. For years now I have been snowboarding. It is really fun to get tied into it and want to keep on doing it. I love feeling the wind going through my coat and giving me goosebumps on by back. The way that the goggles fog up, the way my ankles and all my leg muscles feel after I am done riding. I started about 3 years ago and have been doing it every winter since. It is really hard to grab hold of snowboarding but once you know it, it is really easy to progress. I have been slowly moving up and beginning to do tricks while I am in the air. It feels really awesome when you get the trick down because it makes you more confident in your abilities to do more and push yourself. But, likewise, if I try and fail, that makes me want it even more and I push myself much harder to make sure I do it and get it. The sound that fresh powder makes is just an amazing sound, and you get faster and faster and start carving through the snow and leaving trails of snow kicking up higher than you. It's an amazing feeling.
Here is my DJ set up, it is everything but my laptop there
Another hobby that I love deals with music. It is DJing. It is something that is like creating brand new music. It involves mixing songs that you know together to get new songs. One song may consist of 3 to a dozen of songs. No one mix I ever made or even ever heard sounds the same because of all the possible combinations. I plan on buying some more new equipment that will help me connect my whole computer to the turntables which for the most part will give me unlimited amount of music that I can mix together. You start out with mosic on your computer and then move to turning on the turntables. The second they start spinning you feel you finger tips being dragged by them. Then you lightly start moving the cross faders and playing with the sound on the mixer to give amazing pitches. Then you beggin lightly scratching the vinyl to make beats and breaking points to move to other songs. I like it because it is something that is different and I feel absolutely awesome doing it. That’s all that matters. Cype nice
Boy Scouts of America

You build so many friendships with your other kids in your troops. It really did help me come out of the awkward shell you develop when you’re in middle school. There are so many kids around you with similar interest as you as well. Hiking and swimming is just the beginning to an awesome and exciting week of summer camp that will always end in a camp fire. The camp fire is the perfect way to end a night. Once the sun goes down the warmth of a fire will keep you from shivering. I can still remember all the cold nights sitting around the hot crackling fire with not a care in the world. The smell of smoke will never leave me because after a night around a camp fire, that’s all you will smell like. Sitting around with your friends and just messing around with jokes and what not is the memories that will never leave me.
my number one hobby

My favorite hobby is teaching young Somali Children English and helping them in whatever way I can. This has been my favorite hobby because I love helping improve my Somali community.
When I first came to America I went to a Somali community and I met a tutor named Marie, and she was the first Italian woman that I met who spoke Somali. At the moment I didn’t understand why she was helping all this refugee people who didn’t speak any English, but then the more I got to know her the more I learned and found out why she was helping us. One day I asked her why she liked working there. And she told me that she volunteered there since she used to be a teacher at an elementary school. She told me while she was a teacher there she met a girl who had cancer and the girl was Somali. She wore clothes that had Somali flags all the time, and Marie told me that one day she asked the girl why she did that and the girl said it’s for all the kids who were in Somali she believed that she was their voice. So when the girl died Marie decided to help all refugee kids and adults who came to the U.S. After spending months with Ms. Marie I was inspired to also start helping the Somali people in my community, so I started teaching the little kids all I knew in math and English. Whenever I helped them I felt good about myself, I felt like I was a warrior and that this was my mission and I had to achieve it and whenever I felt like giving up their smiles kept me going and their dedication. So from that day helping the Somali young children with whatever they need from Academics to advice has been my hobby because whenever I do it I feel happy and accomplished.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
My Favorite Hobby

The reason that I chose that picture because I think that library is very can improve our reading skill and make us like this hobby more.
My Favorite Hobby
My favorite hobby is reading. I love reading any kinds of book, but especially Chinese books. It is easy for me to read. I very like to read some about history book and novel. I remember that when I was in high school in Hong Kong, I had one Chinese History and one World History class. In that time, I very like my Chinese History Book and World History Book. I like World History because I read a chapter in that book is about Egypt and I very enjoy to read about the Egypt culture. I think to learn more about different countries' cultures is very fun. Also, I like Chinese History too. It is because China has a long history. When I first time got the Chinese History text book, I read that in the first day. I am enjoy to know each history about China, and I can learn more different culture in Chinese.
The second kind of book that I like are novels. I remember that the first time I know about novel is when I was 13 years old. I bought the first novel was in the Hong Kong Book Fair. I remember that day was the last day of Hong Kong Book Fair, and that was my first time went to a book fair. After the book fair, I went to the library every weekend to borrow book. I went to book fair every year before I went to United States. Book fair is a culture in Hong Kong. I very enjoy the book fair day, and they just have seven days in each year. Now, I always buy book online and my bedroom has a lot of books. My beadroom like a library.
Eating... My Hobby

This is the Rooster Restaurant
logo. This is my all time favorite
restaurant hands down.
When my favorite hobby takes place there are several different settings. Some are quiet with not many people around, like my room, in the car, or alone at the kitchen table. Other locations are loud filled with a lot of people like at Applebee’s, especially when it’s someone’s birthday. Eating in my opinion is the best thing ever.
My hobby was introduced to me at a very young age. I was introduced to table food at around 6 months. Growing up in family who are big eaters, I had no choice. There was always food no matter the day or occasion. As I began to get older I started being exposed to a bugger variety of foods, including restaurant food.
I like to eat all types of things. My favorite would have to be chicken wings. I can eat chicken wings day and night. I like them fried with hot sauce or buffalo styled. I remember one time I had gone to a restaurant called Roosters and tried their hot wings. The first time I had ever tried them my mouth was hot as fire. Now I can take them like a champ. Eating builds relationships because most of the time you eat with someone. That’s always the perfect opportunity to talk with who you are eating with and helps build the relationship you may have with them. Communication is always the key to a strong healthy relationship.
This hobby gives me sense of relief especially when I am hungry. Sometimes I tend to get cranky if I had no eaten all day. It saves others from a world of trouble like a life jacket. Eating means a lot to me because it allows me to get full and regroup. It also allows me to spend time with whoever I am eating with as well as socialize, talk, and laugh.
My Hobby: basketball

I have many hobbies, and basketball is one of the hobbies I have. Basketball is sport that requires personal skill, team work and speed. Basketball is a great sport, I enjoy every time when I crossover the opponent, and then I score. Team work is one of the important key for play basketball. Good basketball team always doing some great team work. It is wonderful when we do some fake move to make the opponent jump, and then we will pass the ball to our teammate. I like play basketball outside with my friend, we always have a good time together. Basketball makes me feel great and satisfy.
I usually play ping pong before, but ping pong is a game that you can only play with one person or you can play two on two. My uncle is the one who inspired me plays basketball. He likes basketball very much, even though he can’t play well. He always invites people to play basketball with him every weekend. Basketball makes us more trust each other and make our friendship become stronger.
Basketball is like my friend. Without basketball, I will lose a lot of fun in my life. Playing basketball is like studying for the test, if you don't play hard, your may lose the game. Basketball mean a lot to me, I feel ease and relax when I playing basketball with my friend. There are not limit for basketball game, you can do anything you can to win the game except fault. Sometime, we lose game, we will discuss our weakness together, because we all believe the next time we can play better.
My hobby

My hobby is read the books and when I get some time I like to read any kind, of books and I like to read about the magazines, too.
Inspired of this is my mother because when I start reading she was the one who help me to read and she teaches me the (ABC) because my mother likes me to be the best and she always read me some books .This hobby builds me because now can read anything that I want and it’s a good relationship with my mother.
I get out this hobby when I go to the library I like to pick up the books and I like to read and that influence my life because now my English is improving and that’s my hobby and I like to read so many books and my mother always told me as long you read you are going to be a good reader.
My favorite book to read is of mice and Men.
A wise man once said be the seed of change in this world, and when asked how could someone be the seed of change he said the greatest thing a mankind could do is get knowledge the only way you can get knowledge is by reading. So I believe that am the seed of change and by the day am growing to be a big plant full of knowledge.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
My hobby
When I am playing soccer I feel happy and unstoppable. I can run like a horse and mingle with the stars. That is the reason that make me easy to play better and faster. I play with team Elman. Sometimes we go out of states to challenge with other teams. I like to win every game, even if it is friendly games. I take it serious. This hobby means everything to me. I have been playing all my life. Soccer is something that I want pass through my kids.
Snapshot three

My favorite hobby has always been baking. I come from a generation of where all the women were and are great cooks/bakers. I started developing my love for baking when I was 12years old. I always liked making things my way I wanted to make every food the way it was pictured in my head, and I technically couldn’t do that with cooking because no matter how different someone cooks only the taste will be different but not the image. After finding out this I decided to try baking and that when I fell in love with it, the first thing I ever backed was cookies and they were in the shape of soccer balls because that was my favorite sport back then.
I remember that day like it was yesterday: my mother wasn’t home and I was bored so I went to the kitchen and started looking for ingredients for my invention, at the time I didn’t know what I wanted to bake but I knew I wanted to make something that would impress my parents . So I started going through my mom’s baking book and I didn’t find anything interesting so I decided to go on and make some cookies.
I got a bowl putted some flour in there and after that I added whatever that caught my eye that I thought smelled good or tasted sweet and before I knew it I had a bowl full of mixture that almost turned the flour color to purple. I grabbed a pan and cut the flour in to circle shapes and drew little lines through them to make them look like a soccer ball. Once they got out of the oven they were hard and very sweet and rough. I sat down laughing and I felt proud of what I did, later on that evening when m parents got home I showed them what I made and laughed very loud and my dad told me that those were the best cookies he ever ate. Since that day I’ve been baking, I like baking for many reasons but my biggest two reasons are, one I release my imagination and create whatever I want and the second one being I sell my cookies and cup cakes on summer and a lot of people buy them so that makes me feel good about myself. The time I make my best cookies are when am sad or angry because at that time I bake a lot and it helps me feel better.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Snap shot three.

My hobby is reading, specifically crime mystery books. No one really inspired me reading, I just knew by age of 10 that I like and spend most of my time reading. There are times when I used to think reading was more of an opposition than a hobby to me because I used to read on the bus, in doctor waiting area and while I eat. I even remember times when I used to get in trouble for reading because I would forget to do my homework or worse yet, wouldn’t study for my tests. But as I got older and as much as l love reading I start making time for it, so it won’t interfere with my other plans.
I love to read. It’s a hobby that relaxes me and encourages me to think. It takes me to places I have never been or will be. Reading is much a part of my life that I couldn’t quit even if tried. When I’m reading I see the world differently, that make me understand things more fully. I think reading became my hobby because every book I had to read has something to offer or learn from it. Reading the book Three Cups of Tea kindled my interstate in helping the once in need.
I read almost any mystery book I can get my hands on, but my favorite book of all is The Lovely Bones. It is a book about a teenage girl who has been murdered and raped by her neighbor. After she got killed, she is quickly taking to heaven where she watches how her death affects those around her. I also watched the movie but I didn’t like it as much as liked the book, because in the movie they left out most important parts of the story. You can say that is the reason why I don’t like reading the book first and then watching the movie. I like this book because it thought me that life is very short, so we should make the most of it.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Snapshot Three

I really don’t have anyone that inspired me to bowl. I thought that bowling was a fun sport and I thought it would help build my arm up for softball and it sure as heck did. When you bowl you have to have a steady arm and you cannot turn your wrist or the ball will not go the way you want it to. My coach in high school only changed a few things but when I got into college bowling the coach had to re teach me things that my high school coach had never taught me. This builds relationships between the players and the coach and each of the players.
What I get out of this hobby is a stronger friendship with other bowlers and also a place where I can take my anger out in a civil way. Throughout this year I have become closer with my teammates and made many good friends. Some of the people I bowl with I have bowled them when I was in high school.
There is this girl that is on the team that I have become very close with and we usually hang out all the time and talk constantly. When I first met her I thought she was the most annoying most know-it-all person I have ever met before then once the season started and we got to know each other more we became close friends and our families have even become closer friends.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Homework for Monday
See you on Monday, and I'll give you back your drafts of Essay One then, and you can turn in Snapshot Three.
All best,
Mike Lohre