Although it is not me, it is something that I have done
Hobbies are a wonderful thing. I have a lot of hobbies that I like equally. It is really hard for me to choose between them all. But mostly I want to talk about my hobbies of sports and music. For years now I have been snowboarding. It is really fun to get tied into it and want to keep on doing it. I love feeling the wind going through my coat and giving me goosebumps on by back. The way that the goggles fog up, the way my ankles and all my leg muscles feel after I am done riding. I started about 3 years ago and have been doing it every winter since. It is really hard to grab hold of snowboarding but once you know it, it is really easy to progress. I have been slowly moving up and beginning to do tricks while I am in the air. It feels really awesome when you get the trick down because it makes you more confident in your abilities to do more and push yourself. But, likewise, if I try and fail, that makes me want it even more and I push myself much harder to make sure I do it and get it. The sound that fresh powder makes is just an amazing sound, and you get faster and faster and start carving through the snow and leaving trails of snow kicking up higher than you. It's an amazing feeling.
Here is my DJ set up, it is everything but my laptop there
Another hobby that I love deals with music. It is DJing. It is something that is like creating brand new music. It involves mixing songs that you know together to get new songs. One song may consist of 3 to a dozen of songs. No one mix I ever made or even ever heard sounds the same because of all the possible combinations. I plan on buying some more new equipment that will help me connect my whole computer to the turntables which for the most part will give me unlimited amount of music that I can mix together. You start out with mosic on your computer and then move to turning on the turntables. The second they start spinning you feel you finger tips being dragged by them. Then you lightly start moving the cross faders and playing with the sound on the mixer to give amazing pitches. Then you beggin lightly scratching the vinyl to make beats and breaking points to move to other songs. I like it because it is something that is different and I feel absolutely awesome doing it. That’s all that matters. Cype nice
Hey Oleg, Snowboarding sounds fun. Hopefully i will give it a try one day.
i love snowboarding too. very cool sport.
Man o man.. i Love music. Maybe you can dj my 21st birthday bash lol
nice hobby, i like snow sport so much. sometime, i go to the hill and bring my sleeding board to play some sledding
I love music too. i like to listen different counties' music.
i never snowboard but i heard it is really fun. enjoy!!!
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