Pictured here is the movie Mirrors
Most of my day consists of studies, doing house choirs and going to school. With all that, all my time is usually taken up. When i do get some free time like to watch horror movies. Watching Movies is one of my favorite hobbies. No one really inspired me to watch movies. Going to the movies helps me to relax and have fun. When I am bored, it always seems like a good idea to just head out with friends and go watch a movie. I do rarely have time in my schedule to get bored, but it does happen once in a blue moon. I enjoy going to the movies and it puts me in a better mood. To laugh, get scared, or even cry over something that does not have anything to do with my own personal life is a good feeling. For example, the movie Mirrors was an awesome movie about spirits being trapped in mirrors. I was scared during the movie, but I knew once it was over, that was not something I had to be scared of in real life. My Family/friends sometimes like to get together and make it a group thing to go out and all see a movie. Usually when this happens, we do not know what we are going to watch until we get there. This hobby allows you to go out and have fun with your loved ones.
that is my hobbies are to watch moveis with my freinds............ it is more fun......
i like watch movie too. expecially rush hour.
the picture is so scare.
i like watch movie too.
Movies are a great way to get away from it all. I really enjoy almost any movie. My favorites though have to be comedy and action movies.
Dude that picture is creeping me out. As of me i enjoy watching investigative reports and history of the past.
I love watching movies too, its one of my favorite things to do on my free time!
dude i have not watch a movie in months.
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